Welcome to the 2024 tax season!  We look forward to assisting you with your income tax preparation. 


We respectfully ask that you mail/drop off COPIES ONLY of your tax documents to the Massapequa Park office and you must KEEP YOUR ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS for your records.

We will be keeping your copies on file (for approximately 5 years) and we will no longer be mailing back your documents.

 *Please do not email your tax documents*


You may drop off your documents as soon as you have all of your 2024 information.  You may drop off your documents any time during our business hours.

Please do not send your documents until you have everything needed to file your tax return. If you send in partial documents, you run the risk of your return being filed and incomplete.

The IRS expects to begin accepting electronically filed returns at the end of January.


All completed returns will be emailed to you once they have been prepared by Kevin and your payment has been received. Note: Payment is due along with your submitted documents. 


***PLEASE VIEW THE Tax Document Checklist (click link) to help guide you with the forms you may need for your filing. 

Note: not all of the items on the list will pertain to you.  


* Please DO NOT fax or email your tax documents 

* Submit COPIES only of your tax documents (keep your originals)

* We recommend that you mail your documents with tracking

* Send YEAR END statements only (please remove from envelope)

* COMPLETE the Client Contact Sheet (click link on left) 

* Rental Property ~ complete the Rental Property Worksheet

* Business/Freelance ~ complete the P&L Worksheet

* Include payment with your tax documents (fee is sent in annual email)

   *New clients may call the office to inquire about their fee


    ~Returns will not be processed until payment is received~


Tax Preparation ~ DROP OFF/MAIL IN:


*Document DROP OFF ~ at the Massapequa Park office (SIDE ENTRANCE DOOR). Submit COPIES ONLY (keep your original documents).


*Document MAIL IN ~ mail to the Massapequa Park office and remember to mail them with tracking to ensure they are received.


*Please submit YEAR END STATEMENTS ONLY (no quarterly statements). 

*Please include the updated client contact information sheet.  

*Kindly include payment with your tax documents. Your payment is listed in the annual email that was sent out in January.


Also, please do not send duplicate copies of documents as this may result in a document mistakenly being duplicated on your return.



*Venmo ~ @kevin-wilson-192 (four digits associated with account are 7717)

*Personal checks (Please do not post-date checks)

*Credit cards

*Cash and Money orders (made out to Kevin Wilson, CPA)

*Zelle ~ use email: kevinwilsoncpa@gmail.com



Long Island Office Location:

Massapequa Park

220 Park Blvd.

Massapequa Park, NY 11762


(516) 797-5005